Report an Issue

If you think you’re experiencing an error or bug with Dance Vision, we’d love to help triage and solve this bug for you! To submit a bug report, please submit a help ticket request with the following information in a message.

  1. Subject: Bug Report
  2. Your Dance Vision email address
  3. A detailed description of the bug or issue
  4. The platform and device where you’re experiencing the issue
  5. Internet Service Provider
  6. Location
  7. Confirmation that you're using the latest OS & software/version update

Once our Support Team has this information, they’ll be able to escalate your issue/bug report to our Product and Engineering teams for review. While we wait for an update, we’d appreciate for our members to go through the following self-troubleshooting solutions, which usually works for most of our members:

  1. Signing-out of all Dance Vision accounts and devices
  2. Making sure that your app/browser is on the most updated version
  3. Clearing your Internet browser’s history, cache, cookies


If you still need more information, feel free to submit a help ticket at: or email us: